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letter from parental-alienation.info
L.F. Lowenstein
23 December 2005
Dear visitor of parental-alienation.info,
These are difficult times for you. At moments like these you will
most likely be confronted with the loss of celebrating Christmas
with your child(ren). You will feel the pain and this will make
you feel sad beyond belief.
Perhaps it is good to realise that you are not alone.
There are many parents like yourself who miss their children as
much as you do. There are even more children who are deprived of
a loving relationship with both of their parents. It is a miserable
thought that this can not be solved over this Christmas... after
all it was Dr. Gardner who brought Parental Alienation into the
spot light back in 1982... and still mankind has not solved this
for the sake of the children... still officials are blind and deaf
to the effects of this kind of child abuse...
So we won't be able to change this overnight and we can not solve
this over Christmas...
but please don't let it ruin your Christmas! You may want to consider
taking a different approach. Remember your child(ren) but try to
take some distance from your sorrows by celebrating Christmas with
your other loved ones. Enjoy their love and presence and try to
avoid being preoccupied continuously by your sadness; it may give
you some peace of mind and it may make you stronger and able to
resist the further humiliations that no doubt will lie ahead for
A parent who contacted me through my website expressed his/her feelings
to me in the following words: "I have been deprived of enjoying
my relationship with my child, but he/she [the custodial parent]
won't deprive me of enjoying my Christmas with my family!"
He/she will go on a brief holiday with a new family, switch off
the mobile phone and take time out. This is the right thing to do
and I hope that this approach may inspire you.
Rest assured that I will continue my work next year to support the
sufferers from parental alienation (parents and children!) in their
quest for justice. As a result of my stand, believe it or not have
been victimized but I will not elaborate on this but will continue
to fight for parents who have been unjustly denied their moral and
lawful right to positive contact with their beloved children.
To give that a meaning, the first publication from my hand in 2006
will be "Real Justice for non custodial parents and their children"
and the Launch of a survey to determine the worldwide problem of
parental alienation and its effects.
As a last act of the present year I have just published two further
articles on the internet. These articles cover recent research on
the subjects of "Dealing
with parental post-separation conflicts" and "Understanding
post-divorce conflicts and how to resolve them". Please
visit www.parental-alienation.info and select articles 38 and 39
for their content.
Please feel free to forward my e-mail to others you know who suffer
from parental alienation. These may include your parents, friends,
colleagues and hopefully they make take comfort from my e-mail or
my articles and publications on my website.
I wish you a peaceful and merry Christmas and a happy and better
New Year,
Best regards
Dr. Ludwig Lowenstein
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