letter from parental-alienation.info
L.F. Lowenstein
29 December 2006
Dear visitor of parental-alienation.info,
Dear Friends,
Christmas is now almost behind us and the New Year is beckoning.
Let us look to the future with hope that matters will change in
our lives. I have already met a number of parents both male and
female who have suffered from the cruel fate of being the victim
of parental alienation. Some have begun to turn around their lives
despite the difficulties involved in being without their child/children,
or seeing very little of them.
Let me assure you that, having had much experience in this area,
sooner or later your child/children will come back to you. Those
who carry on the process of alienation or brain washing eventually
have to pay the price for their activites. In the meantime we continue
to fight for PAS to be recognised and dealt with fairly in the courts.
As you are aware my book on Parental Alienation
Syndrome should be published by Russell
House Publishers in the new year, sometime in February. I am
hoping to start a charity with all money that is earned from the
proceeds of this book. My only other contribution that I can make
to parents such as you is to encourage you and express the view
that you should never give up hope for the future.
May I wish you the best possible New Year and should you wish to
talk to me so that I may provide you with information that could
be useful please do so. The best way is by telephone rather than
by email since there can be a frank interchange through the telephone.
I would also be happy to see you if you happen to be in the area
where I live.
With all best wishes for the coming year with love and hope for
the future.
Best regards
Dr. Ludwig Lowenstein
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